When you arrive at the event:
Depending on when you arrive ( Before 6 PM or After 6PM ) This process can be a little different.
If you arrive before 6 PM, you can take part in “Pre-Registration” which happens from 5PM to 5:45PM the first night. At Pre-Registration you’ll turn in your waiver, claim your badge, buy parking if needed, and take a photo to associate with your badge. You’ll then wait until 6PM for the doors to open and then bring in your gear. The advantage to this is that you can get in the LAN immediately when it opens at 6PM.
If you arrive after 6PM, you first need to claim your badge and purchase parking at the registration counter, and take a photo to associate with your badge PRIOR to bringing your gear, or entering the LAN area.
What you need at Registration:
- A form of ID.
- Your waiver, already filled out.
- Cash for parking permit
Do not bring to Registration:
- Your gear
- Your chair
- Carts / large items
- The largest cause for delay at registration is generally caused by attendees not having their waiver filled out and signed before trying to claim their badge. Have yours done before getting in line for your badge.