Minor Policy
What to expect at PDXLAN
In order to ensure a positive experience for all attendees, PDXLAN has established guidelines for parents of minors attending the event. It is important for parents to understand the nature of the event and actively supervise their children.
Examples of prohibited behavior include:
- Staring over a person’s shoulder for a long time
- Touching other people’s belongings or computer
- Running or using roller-shoes
- Not following instructions given by PDXLAN Staff
Please note that PDXLAN is not designed as a children’s event and may contain adult language and content. Additionally, smoking may be present outside of the event within legal distance from the doors. Children under the age of 5 are not permitted.
All minors must be chaperoned by an acceptable adult, such as a parent, step-parent, close family friend over 30 years old (with written guardianship), or a brother or sister 18 or older. Children 12 and under must be actively supervised at all times by their guardian.
By agreeing to these guidelines, parents acknowledge the potential presence of adult language and content and accept responsibility for actively supervising their children. PDXLAN encourages families to engage in activities together and have fun, but wants to ensure full disclosure and clear expectations for all attendees.