Announcements from PDXLAN sponsors, or announcements of PDXLAN sponsorships.

Fractal Design to sponsor PDXLAN Spring 2025!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that Fractal Design will be sponsoring the Spring 2025 event with their latest and greatest products. If you don’t know, Fractal-Design makes some of the most well built cases and power supplies available. 

Be sure to check out Fractal Design’s website to browse all the awesome cases!!




















































































EVGA to sponsor PDXLAN!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that EVGA will be sponsoring PDXLAN spring 2025.

EVGA is one of PDXLAN’s longest running sponsors, and they’ve always been such a strong supporter of PDXLAN.

EVGA makes some of the best Power Supplies, Mice, Keyboards, and capture devices out there. Look for EVGA prizes in PDXLAN’s contests, tournaments, and raffles! 

Thanks EVGA!! 

















































































Comcast Internet powers PDXLAN!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that COMCAST will be sponsoring PDXLAN’s 10G Fiber connection to the Internet. This is one sponsor we can’t do the event without, so MAJOR thanks to COMCAST!  If you’re at the event and you happen to meet a guy named “Notoes” – thank him for always supporting us!





















































Bitspower to sponsor PDXLAN!

PDXLAN would like to welcome our new sponsor, Bitspower! 

Bitspower will be supporting prizes towards the Case-Mod Contest and PDXLAN raffle!





















Shh!!! BeQueit is back as a PDXLAN Sponsor!

For this announcement, read it as a whisper in your head because BeQuiet! makes some of the quietest fans, psus, and CPU coolers on the market! 

BeQuiet! will be at PDXLAN with lots of prizes for PDXLAN Spring 2025 to use in whatever PDXLAN needs them for, Tournaments, Contests, and Raffles!! 

Once again thank you to Kevin and the BeQuiet! team for supporting PDXLAN!
















































































AverMedia to Sponsor PDXLAN Spring 2025!

PDXLAN is thrilled to announce that AverMedia will once again be supporting PDXLAN with prizes for our contests, and raffle. 

If you haven’t checked out AverMedia for your streaming needs, you owe it to yourself to spend some time checking out their offerings, we love their stuff! 

Huge thanks to AverMedia for once again supporting our community! 

















































































Seasonic to sponsor PDXLAN!

PDXLAN is proud to announce that Seasonic will be sponsoring PDXLAN this Fall! 

Seasonic is the maker of premium Power Supplies – and they are sending TEN of them plus a few extras! 

Thank you Seasonic! 



















Easter Egg. Because why not.