Commercial Business Furniture will be returning to PDXLAN this Fall, providing options and insights for your Home Office, Gaming Station, or how to make them one and the same. With a veritey of seating options to test sit/be fitted to by Ergonomic Pros with over 25 years of combined experience, their seating & desking solutions, along with commercial grade products can meet your needs for years to come.
Sawyer and Katy Mizer will be staffing the booth again this year, along with a guest Representative(and LAN Attendee) from Element Ergo on Friday to speak more on the custom Desk Stations they designed specifically for PDXLAN. CBFs booth will also play host to the 2022 Rex Trademark Chair, donated to the Charity Raffle by RFM Seating, so drop by to test drive at the booth before you take it home Sunday! The CBF Booth will be open from 11am-5pm Friday 11/11 and from 9am-5pm Saturday 11/12.