Catch up on PDXLAN News and Reviews

Be safe now, have a safe event later.

Published under: Event News
Written on September 12, 2022

With PDXLAN coming up in under two months we’d like to remind you to be safe now so that we can have a safe event later. 

While masks and vaccines are not required by law at PDXLAN Fall 2022, we encourage both if possible. Be it a flu shot, COVID shot, or a alien virus shot, or a mask – if you can help us be more safe at the event, please try do so.

If you are a person who gets vaccines, please make an appointment to get the latest COVID booster before the event. The latest booster that came out last week includes protections against the Omnicron variant. 

Masking will be up to each individual person – but we are asking that you mask whenever you can to help lessen the chances of spreading not only COVID, but colds, and the flu as well. Even before COVID was a thing colds and flu’s spread pretty commonly at all types of events. Wearing a mask may not be comfortable, but if it helps my fellow attendee in any way, I am for it.

Thanks for your attention in this matter.

-Matt “Vector” Conwell