For the Fall 2022 PDXLAN, we will be supporting the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation. (TNBC Foundation)
In June 2022 we found out that Jessica (Demented) has breast cancer. On July 4th we found out that the type of breast cancer is stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. Until then we didn’t know there were different types of breast cancer, let alone different survivability numbers for them.
Most breast cancers found are hormone-receptive. Triple Negative is negative for all three hormones, which makes it a tougher cancer to treat. Those with hormone receptive cancers found at stage 1 have a 91% 5Y survivability, and those with stage 2 hormone-receptive have a 86% 5Y survivability rate. TNBC’s 5Y survivability rate for stage 1 is 81% and for stage 2 is 60%. In the simplest terms, Stage 2 TNBC patients have a 40% chance of death in the next 5 years.
TNBC is hell. Most don’t find it until stage 2 or 3, or even worse, stage 4. On top of those survivability numbers, the chance of recurrence is much higher with TNBC. This means those that go through chemo, and surgery still have a much higher chance of it coming back, nearly 40% chance of it coming back.
I personally have seen at least 50 families impacted by this since July. Kids losing their mom’s. Husbands losing their wives. If the personal loss and pain wasn’t enough, the monetary costs of treating TNBC is near one million dollars per person. Even with insurance, the costs are debilitating.
The TNBC foundation helps TNBC patients and their families navigate the journey that they will encounter for the next 14 months of treatment. They offer patient groups, counseling, financial aid, and help with research for a cure for TNBC.
This November we are asking the PDXLAN community to come together and support the TNBC Foundation because they are supporting thousands of families each year – and they need help to do it. This November we are asking that you dig deep and give with your heart, for Demented (Jessica).